How Seattle Set Out to Create a Biotech Hub and Fostered a Global Health Nexus

I recently organized a MOHAI walking tour of South Lake Union to begin to explore the roots of the museum’s new neighborhood. My original intent was to explain the importance of South Lake Union as a biotech hub but a different theme emerged in the course of my research. It is true that Seattle has … Continue reading “How Seattle Set Out to Create a Biotech Hub and Fostered a Global Health Nexus”

Necessity is the Mother of Stratification: Personalized Medicine is Getting Real

Joe Stanta of eyeforpharma organized a Personalized and Translational Medicine conference last week for people who are directly involved with making personalized medicine a reality. What was especially refreshing about the conference was a healthy balance of prognosticators and practitioners—with the majority of speakers representing the latter. I came away from this conference with the … Continue reading “Necessity is the Mother of Stratification: Personalized Medicine is Getting Real”

Tips on How Academic Scientists Can Make the Career Switch to Industry

Scientists have a lot to consider if they want to leave the world of academia for a job in industry. I picked up a lot of good insights yesterday at a meeting of people with experience in making that transition. This event was hosted by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, organized by the Washington … Continue reading “Tips on How Academic Scientists Can Make the Career Switch to Industry”