Patient Investors, Impatient Researchers Essential for Clean Energy Future

Maybe it’s something in the Seattle air that we share, but over the last few weeks, I’ve learned that Bill Gates and I worry about similar things. In interviews with The Atlantic and The Washington Post Gates said: “Historically, it takes more than 50 years before you have a substantial shift in energy generation, but … Continue reading “Patient Investors, Impatient Researchers Essential for Clean Energy Future”

Fulfilling Our Energy Future’s Potential: 5 Key Challenges

I believe that 2035 is a crucial year for the global energy economy. Over the next 20 years, Citibank forecasts a global investment of roughly $10 trillion in new electricity generation infrastructure and $7 trillion in new distribution infrastructure. Steps taken today will dictate who becomes, or remains, a leader as the energy landscape gets … Continue reading “Fulfilling Our Energy Future’s Potential: 5 Key Challenges”