Non-Compete Agreements: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Twenty years ago, renowned researcher AnnaLee Saxenian wrote a book called Regional Advantage, which compared the development of two high-tech regions, Silicon Valley and Route 128. Everyone in the tech world knows how this story played out: In the face of global competition and technological trends, Silicon Valley reinvented itself and roared ahead, while Route … Continue reading “Non-Compete Agreements: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”

State Economic Rankings Don’t Measure Up

This post was co-written with Yasuyuki Motoyama and Jared Konczal. A few weeks ago, a new ranking was published measuring “opportunity” on a state-by-state basis. Vermont came out on top as the friendliest state for upward mobility, scoring well on both the Community and Education metrics. Someone from Vermont e-mailed us here at the Kauffman … Continue reading “State Economic Rankings Don’t Measure Up”