Venture Model Makeover & Diet Plan—Step One

A lot of people have been asking lately if the venture model is broken. But it seems to me that it’s just decrepit. Like an aging, rotund former football star, the venture industry is scratching its head and realizing that its glory days are long past. The industry collectively doesn’t really know how to handle … Continue reading “Venture Model Makeover & Diet Plan—Step One”

Mixed Feelings About “The Funded”

Am interested to hear what people think about this website ( where entrepreneurs rank venture funds. I like the concept of shifting the power dynamic and keeping venture funds on their toes but I have a few issues with the execution. My biggest problem is that there doesn’t appear to be any objective quality-control mechanism. … Continue reading “Mixed Feelings About “The Funded””

Patent Reform Will Stifle Innovation

I believe the proposed patent reform act would stifle innovation, which already has many hurdles to overcome, particularly in the earliest stages (when foundational patents are filed). To arbitrarily limit damages and to make it easier to challenge patents shifts the balance further in favor of large companies and lowers the incentive of innovators and … Continue reading “Patent Reform Will Stifle Innovation”