Four Things Lawyers and Hackers Have in Common

Are hackers and lawyers really that different? If you hear someone talking about the two in the same sentence, you’d be well within your rights to assume it was an expansion of the old debate about whether a pirate or a ninja would win in a fight. On first impression, the hacker (a.k.a. the software … Continue reading “Four Things Lawyers and Hackers Have in Common”

Zaarly on Capitol Hill: Why the Startup Ecosystem Matters

On Tuesday, May 10, 2011, I had the opportunity to participate in a hearing convened by the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. This was an incredible honor as an entrepreneur to sit on a distinguished panel and speak directly to leaders in the House of Representatives and from the Securities … Continue reading “Zaarly on Capitol Hill: Why the Startup Ecosystem Matters”

GREENtrepreneurs: The Challenge & The Opportunity (Part 2)

[Editor’s Note: the first part of this guest post ran on Friday.] Governments, Law and Regulations, Oh My! One of the hallmarks of the growth of the Internet was a lack of government regulation or involvement. While not the case for all green businesses, many of the larger opportunities and business sectors look to government … Continue reading “GREENtrepreneurs: The Challenge & The Opportunity (Part 2)”

GREENtrepreneurs: The Challenge & the Opportunity

“So what is so special about green entrepreneurs?” This is an excellent question and was a central theme in my recently published book, Green Entrepreneur Handbook. Why is a green entrepreneur any different than any other sort of entrepreneur? Does it take a special entrepreneur with different skills to build a green business? Throughout the … Continue reading “GREENtrepreneurs: The Challenge & the Opportunity”

13 Teams, 100 People, 54 Hours: Lessons from Startup Weekend in Seattle

“Exhaustingly awesome.” “The talent in that room is pretty inspiring.” “54 hours…from idea to products I’d pay money for in just 54 hours. Wow.” Those are just a couple comments I gleaned from some of the attendees and guests at the demos held at the Startup Weekend demo finale. I’d second each of these thoughts—you … Continue reading “13 Teams, 100 People, 54 Hours: Lessons from Startup Weekend in Seattle”