High Hanging Fruit

Let’s face it. There are tens of thousands of super smart, tech-savvy, funded teams out there chasing the next Massively Viral consumer Internet phenomenon. Think of it like an incredibly parallel search algorithm where every conceivable customer acquisition twist and hook is being explored with effectively infinite resources of fine young minds backed by the … Continue reading “High Hanging Fruit”

Dead Reckoning: No Smooth Sailing for Startups

Prior to the mid 1700s (and long before the advent of GPS receivers in every smartphone), mariners at sea calculated their position by Dead Reckoning, a process in which you simply assume that whatever course and speed you are on can be straight-lined ahead with a ruler and pencil, day after day, regardless of wind, … Continue reading “Dead Reckoning: No Smooth Sailing for Startups”

How Not to Start a Startup

Startups can be a lot like first girlfriends (or boyfriends). You fall madly, passionately in love, think of them 24/7, talk, walk, eat, drink, breathe them, put everything into them and beyond, but sometimes, despite the passion, it just doesn’t work out. And, actually if you’re willing be to be brutally honest, in retrospect the … Continue reading “How Not to Start a Startup”

How to Hire an Entrepreneur

As Erin Kutz wrote about a few weeks ago, my fellow ATG co-founder Jeet Singh and I have recently launched Redstar, a “company that builds other companies.” Unlike most incubators and angel funds, which invest in companies that are already formed or at least well along in the process, Redstar’s goal is to create a … Continue reading “How to Hire an Entrepreneur”

Shopping 3.0: The New Face of e-Commerce

I fully realized that the third generation of shopping was upon us when Sharon Jester Turney, CEO of Limited Brands Direct, turned to me and said something along the lines of how she needed something to add the sex to the new Victoria’s Secret website. That one utterance, delivered without irony, wove together several threads … Continue reading “Shopping 3.0: The New Face of e-Commerce”