I just returned from several days visiting Cuba with several of my BFFs. No amount of pre-reading prepared me for the wonderful experience. Americans cannot go as “tourists,” but must go on an approved people-to-people exchange. As such, we visited schools, farms, a university, children’s programs, museums, churches, a factory and the like. I’m sharing … Continue reading “A Startup CEO Visits Cuba in Transition”
Author: Matt Bencke
Matt Bencke is CEO and co-founder of Spare5, the human insights platform that offers business solutions for big data problems through micro-tasks.
Machine Learning + Human Insights
In 2015, we saw the relationship between man and machine evolve into its most collaborative form yet—or at least pave the way for it. With intuitive technology such as IBM Watson and its ability to “learn” breaking ground on the machine front, and companies including Spare5 discovering ways to scale the power of human intelligence … Continue reading “Machine Learning + Human Insights”