Genomics in San Diego: From the Human Genome to a New Biotechnology Focus

San Diego’s biotechnology industry has played an integral part in advances in genomics. Our reach extends from the research and tools created by startups during the genomics boom that began in the late 1990s, to cost-saving improvements made in DNA sequencing and the new field of synthetic genomics, which may provide important advances from biofuels … Continue reading “Genomics in San Diego: From the Human Genome to a New Biotechnology Focus”

BIL and TED’s Excellent (But Little Known) Healthcare Adventure in San Diego

Did you know that Goldie Hawn, David Blaine, and Martha Stewart are coming to San Diego at the end of October to discuss…healthcare? Probably not, maybe because the exclusive TEDMED2009 conference is $4,000 to attend, and already sold out. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, and its conferences aim to bring together people from … Continue reading “BIL and TED’s Excellent (But Little Known) Healthcare Adventure in San Diego”