Pitching Startups, Roxbury Style: Apps, Bodyguards & More

There’s a parking space, despite the rain, right outside Hibernian Hall the night of Pitch in the City, Roxbury’s first startup pitch event, in late March. “Some event,” I mutter to myself as I go inside. In fact, the big hall on the 3rd floor is jammed with people. Coats cram the coat rack, and … Continue reading “Pitching Startups, Roxbury Style: Apps, Bodyguards & More”

Making Games into Communities—Q&A with Turbine’s Jeff Anderson

Computer gaming is a big business—and a growing force in the Boston economy. Cambridge’s Harmonix Music Systems makes the popular game Guitar Hero II, and 2K Games in Quincy built BioShock, one of the best-selling console games in the world. Even Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling is in the act—he’s formed a company called 38 … Continue reading “Making Games into Communities—Q&A with Turbine’s Jeff Anderson”

Buzzword Brings Beauty, Flash to Word Processing for Adobe

It’s showtime at Virtual Ubiquity. In the conference room at the start-up’s Waltham, MA, office, a band of engineers gathers to see the latest tweaks to the way Buzzword, their new word processor, organizes documents. “This is the alphabetical view,” says Dave Coletta, a programmer who’s one of the company’s 11 employees. Projected on one … Continue reading “Buzzword Brings Beauty, Flash to Word Processing for Adobe”