Healthcare costs in the United States today account for approximately 18 percent of our gross domestic product—far more than any other developed country. Americans’ average life expectancy and the efficiency of our healthcare system are ranked near the bottom of countries with advanced economies. It’s not just a healthcare problem, either. It’s an economic problem. … Continue reading “Is This the End of Premium Pricing in Drug and Device Innovation?”
Author: Mohit Kaushal
Dr. Mohit Kaushal built and led the first healthcare team at the Federal Communications Commission during the Obama Administration. He is currently a partner at Aberdare Ventures and a member of the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics advising HHS on Data Access and Use.
Healthcare Megatrends, Part 1: Shifting Risk
While debates continue on the pros and cons of health reform, one fact remains: the marketplace is changing. There has been approximately $1 trillion in health care M+A activity since 2008. Payers are becoming providers, providers are becoming payers and placing insurance products on the exchanges, benefit consultants are creating exchanges, payers are looking increasingly … Continue reading “Healthcare Megatrends, Part 1: Shifting Risk”