Evicted from the Smart City: No Citizens Needed

Tech vendors know when they knock on the doors of local politicians to pitch smart cities technologies and promising billions in savings, they are going to find a receptive audience. Big Tech promises what politicians desperately want to hear: that we can address deep-seated, structural urban problems through business-led technological innovation and somehow sidestep the … Continue reading “Evicted from the Smart City: No Citizens Needed”

The Answer, My Friend, Is Certainly Not Blowing in the Wind—or the Corn

This is the last of my articles taking cleantech investing to task sector by sector (keep the hate mail coming, hippies!). The next few will focus on some areas I really like, including storage, solar thermal, water, and others. But first, a bit more constructive bludgeoning. This is a bit of a “two for one … Continue reading “The Answer, My Friend, Is Certainly Not Blowing in the Wind—or the Corn”

The Solar Hype Cycle: Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me

The other day the Boston Globe had a piece on solar technology coming of age in which Caltech chemistry professor Nathan Lewis stated: “We’re not in a hype cycle…If you go to Silicon Valley and around Route 128, everyone and their brother who used to make computer chips are now trying to make thin-film solar … Continue reading “The Solar Hype Cycle: Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me”