“No, I Will Not Fund Your Company”

If you are an entrepreneur and you haven’t heard the phrase above, then you probably got one of the following: “why don’t you come back when you have more traction;” “this just isn’t for us;” or (my least favorite), “this looks like a solid double…we only take home runs.” I do some work for LaunchCapital, … Continue reading ““No, I Will Not Fund Your Company””

Second to Market isn’t Always Second Best

About a year ago, I had the opportunity to hear Paul English, the CTO and Co-Founder of Kayak.com, speak. In his chat, Paul focused a great deal on ruthless efficiency and excellent customer experience. He wowed the crowd with stories of answering his own customer service calls, getting feedback on Kayak’s new iPhone application from … Continue reading “Second to Market isn’t Always Second Best”

Should It Be Called “Startbucks?”

Today Starbucks begins providing free Internet in their stores. To me, this means that Howard Schultz has just provided 11,000 free offices for startups. To an entrepreneur, having tables, chairs, free Internet, and access to food and coffee is a golden opportunity. To a professional who provides support services to startups (e.g. marketing, design, business … Continue reading “Should It Be Called “Startbucks?””

Survey Says: Resources for Startups Are Hiding in Plain Sight

“I would love to start a company, but I can’t get financing, find affordable office space, or recruit capable talent.” If you are an entrepreneur, or someone with close ties to the entrepreneurial community, this statement may sound familiar. But it turns out that there are plenty of resources available, some of which are hiding … Continue reading “Survey Says: Resources for Startups Are Hiding in Plain Sight”

End the Speculation! Let’s Get Some Facts About Today’s Entrepreneurial Markets…

“New York entrepreneurship and venture capital are on fire.” “Silicon Valley is on the downswing.” “All of the venture firms in Boston are scrambling to set up shop in New York City.” “New York is way too expensive for entrepreneurs!” Depending on which blog you read, you can find almost any opinion on the state … Continue reading “End the Speculation! Let’s Get Some Facts About Today’s Entrepreneurial Markets…”