Constructing Innovation Supply Chains for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Competition via innovation has been recognized as essential for mid- to long-term success and even survival of science-based corporations such as pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. As such, understanding how best to innovate, and how to do it more often and efficiently, is top of mind for executives at many large corporations. Traditionally, the approach for … Continue reading “Constructing Innovation Supply Chains for the Pharmaceutical Industry”

On the Creation, Protection, and Delivery of Shareholder Value—Lessons from the Color Kinetics Experience

Entrepreneurship and innovation are powerful forces that, when combined, can lead to the creation of great value. Last week, the local startup community saw one of its finest recent examples of entrepreneurial innovation, Color Kinetics (CK), deliver nearly $800 million in cash to its shareholders—myself among them—upon the completion of its merger with Royal Philips … Continue reading “On the Creation, Protection, and Delivery of Shareholder Value—Lessons from the Color Kinetics Experience”