The Convergence of Biology, Medicine, and Engineering

I think learning the fundamentals of a discipline is the most important thing that students can do to prepare themselves for jobs both today and tomorrow. That discipline may be biology, bioengineering, chemistry, chemical engineering or others. I also think doing research is great preparatory experience. Furthermore, I believe the opportunities offered by the convergence … Continue reading “The Convergence of Biology, Medicine, and Engineering”

Five Ways to Boost Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Michigan

[Editor’s note: To help launch Xconomy Detroit, we’ve queried our network of Xconomists and other innovation leaders around the country for their list of the most important things that entrepreneurs and innovators in Michigan can do to reinvigorate their regional economy.] 1) Create great technologies 2) Bring more venture capital into the region 3) Get … Continue reading “Five Ways to Boost Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Michigan”