Biotech’s Looming Talent Crisis: 5 Ways to Prepare for the Storm

Finding and keeping great talent has always been a limiting factor for building companies—and even more so in the life science industry, which requires highly specialized skills. As an executive recruiter focused solely on life sciences, I know firsthand the challenges of filling key executive roles, and I’m often the first to see signs of … Continue reading “Biotech’s Looming Talent Crisis: 5 Ways to Prepare for the Storm”

An Insider’s Guide to Bridging the Biotech Gender Gap

As an executive recruiter focused solely on life sciences, I’m among the first to acknowledge the industry’s gender gap. Of the 20 largest pharmaceutical companies around the world, only one has a woman at the helm—and GSK named Emma Natasha Walmsley as CEO less than five months ago. Among biotech executive leadership teams, women make … Continue reading “An Insider’s Guide to Bridging the Biotech Gender Gap”