Cap-and-Trade May Be Wounded, But The Low Carbon Economy is Still Healthy

Some 61 percent of California voters this week showed they still believe in the economic promise of clean energy. Californians rejected Proposition 23 that would have rolled back policies to limit greenhouse gas emissions and develop clean energy. Their vote of confidence reminds us that even though comprehensive federal climate legislation may be off the … Continue reading “Cap-and-Trade May Be Wounded, But The Low Carbon Economy is Still Healthy”

Invest in Biotech, Or Watch the U.S. Health Innovation Edge Slip Away

Not everyone understands the way that new medical treatments, diagnostics, medicines, therapies and the like are created. It’s a long, expensive process, mostly the realm of scientists and engineers. But anyone who’s ever been concerned about a sick family member, or a loved one succumbing to disease, can appreciate what these scientists and their discoveries … Continue reading “Invest in Biotech, Or Watch the U.S. Health Innovation Edge Slip Away”