We Have To Do Better on TB, In King County and High-Burden Countries

[Editor’s Note: This editorial was co-authored by Jim Connolly, president and CEO of Rockville, MD-based Aeras] Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) is more prevalent than experts realized and continues to infect new victims, according to a recent study in The Lancet. Even in the best health care settings, these tuberculosis strains are incredibly difficult to cure, … Continue reading “We Have To Do Better on TB, In King County and High-Burden Countries”

Five Ways to Build a Culture For Innovation in Michigan

First of all, don’t be fainthearted. Let’s face it, the Michigan workforce has been trained to perform in very hierarchical institutions, where compliance is rewarded and innovation is not. The old days are gone, but the attitude lingers. It will take serious blood, sweat, and tears to turn this around. Second, seek out the community … Continue reading “Five Ways to Build a Culture For Innovation in Michigan”

Biotech “Walks With Light,” But If We Don’t Start Explaining it Better, We’re “Cuckoo”

For the last 17 years my office at Targeted Genetics looked out closely onto a pretty major intersection, busy with cars and pedestrians going to and from downtown Seattle. For years the pedestrian crossing signs stated “Walk with Light.” Maybe I’m a romantic fool, but I always thought of that phrase, “walk with light,” as … Continue reading “Biotech “Walks With Light,” But If We Don’t Start Explaining it Better, We’re “Cuckoo””