Lessons From Pat McGovern for Entrepreneurs

Very sad about the passing of Pat McGovern, the Chairman of International Data Group (IDG). He was my mentor and friend for over 30 years, and a giant in the technology, media, market research, and venture capital fields. Today, I took some time to reflect on what Pat taught me as an entrepreneur and investor. … Continue reading “Lessons From Pat McGovern for Entrepreneurs”

Yale Gets Serious About Entrepreneurship

At a university best known for turning out captains of industry and Wall Street hedge fund magnates, Yale is now focusing more attention on nurturing its entrepreneurs. At last week’s inaugural Yale Entrepreneurs Conference, organizers put out a call to alumni to join the efforts of the Yale Entrepreneurial Institute and others to foster entrepreneurship … Continue reading “Yale Gets Serious About Entrepreneurship”

Xconomy Jobs Board Currently Featuring Cloud Computing Positions and More

Publisher’s note: There’s been a flurry of activity on the Xconomy Boston board recently, so I wanted to remind our readers of this great resource for connecting job-seekers in all areas of technology and life sciences with New England’s innovation employers. Here’s a sampling of current listings, many of which come from EMC’s newly formed … Continue reading “Xconomy Jobs Board Currently Featuring Cloud Computing Positions and More”

Top 10 Mistakes By Entrepreneurs

What are the top 10 mistakes made by entrepreneurs in starting and growing companies? On January 24, I had the pleasure of serving on a panel organized by the Brown Forum for Enterprise that took on that tantalizing topic. The eight-person panel, held at Johnson and Wales University’s Culinary Museum in Providence, included three serial … Continue reading “Top 10 Mistakes By Entrepreneurs”