On September 16, 2011, President Obama signed into law the America Invents Act, the most important modification to U.S. patent law in 60 years—and some even argue, since 1836. Some changes went into effect immediately, such as fee penalties for submitting paper applications and strict rules on when multiple defendants can be joined together in … Continue reading “5 Things to Do Before the New Patent Law Takes Full Effect”
Author: Ted Sichelman
Ted Sichelman is an associate professor of law at the University of San Diego School of Law, where his teaching and research interests include patent law, intellectual property, entrepreneurship, and computational legal studies. He also helps oversee USD’s Technology Entrepreneurship Law Clinic. Previously, Professor Sichelman practiced in intellectual property, venture finance, and other areas at the law firms of Heller Ehrman and Irell & Manella. Professor Sichelman clerked for Judge A. Wallace Tashima of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Before practicing law, Sichelman founded and ran a venture-backed software company, Unified Dispatch. He designed the company’s software and is a named inventor on several issued and filed patents.