On Drug Pricing: FDA Backs Up Its Calls for Increased Competition

FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb has been very public in expressing his desire to provide increased competition and greater choice to American consumers in a bid to drive down prices of prescription medicines. Recently, the agency he oversees took some unusual steps to back up those statements with action. Last week, the FDA approved the use … Continue reading “On Drug Pricing: FDA Backs Up Its Calls for Increased Competition”

Glaxo and J&J’s Shrewd Move Will Help the Biotech Ecosystem

Index Ventures made news recently when it announced a new €150 million fund to invest in early-stage, life science companies. With many venture firms scaling back or exiting the business entirely, any successful fundraising is good news. However, two aspects made the announcement from Index particularly noteworthy: first, the fund is focused on early-stage innovation, … Continue reading “Glaxo and J&J’s Shrewd Move Will Help the Biotech Ecosystem”

Testing Experimental Drugs in Combination – A New Trend

Sanofi-Aventis and Merck KGaA announced recently they are teaming up to test new cancer drugs in combination, joining a growing trend among drug makers to combine different cancer therapies in early-stage clinical studies. Combinations of different drugs are used frequently in the treatment of cancer, but such regimens are normally developed only after medicines reach … Continue reading “Testing Experimental Drugs in Combination – A New Trend”