The recent economic turmoil forced rapid change on the mergers and acquisitions marketplace, as the tightening of available credit pushed traditional M&A players—primarily private equity investors and large corporations—to the sidelines and dramatically slowed existing transactions. The landscape yielded a dearth of profitable deals, with any residual motivation for investment in mid-sized firms deflated by … Continue reading “With Traditional M&A Players Still on Sidelines, Small and Mid-sized Businesses Have Unique Opportunity to Make Strategic Acquisitions”
Author: William Andronico
Mr. Andronico, with over 20 years of audit and consulting experience, is sought out for his unique insight on highly technical audit and GAAP matters and for his discerning ability to provide innovative solutions to complex business issues. Will also leads the firm's Transaction Services practice. His extensive background in mergers, acquisitions and other capital events on either side of a deal makes him well-versed in the intricacies of these multifaceted transactions. He advises on deal structure from an economic and tax perspective and works closely with client management before and during the entire negotiation process.
Will also counsels clients directly on the development and design of innovative executive compensation and equity plans, balancing the intended incentives and economics with the resulting impact on GAAP and tax reporting concerns. He demonstrates thought leadership on these disciplines through speaking engagements and in business and industry publications.