Electric Cycles and Software For The Soul: A Tale of Two Startups—and Whether They Plan to Stay in Michigan

Peter Scott, president of Current Motor, an electric scooter and motorcycle company based in Ann Arbor, MI, had just finished his 10-minute pitch on the opening day of this week’s Michigan Growth Capital Symposium, when he was immediately taken aside by Lauren Flanagan of Douglas, MI, who is with Phenomenelle Angels Fund in Madison, WI. … Continue reading “Electric Cycles and Software For The Soul: A Tale of Two Startups—and Whether They Plan to Stay in Michigan”

Five Ways Michigan Can Become a High Tech and Life Sciences Powerhouse

Although I have lived in the Boston area for more than half my life, I grew up in the Detroit area and still have strong connections to my alma mater—the University of Michigan. I serve on the Board and Leadership Council of the Life Sciences Institute at U-M. In that capacity, I have kept in … Continue reading “Five Ways Michigan Can Become a High Tech and Life Sciences Powerhouse”

Create Regulatory Exemptions for Small Vehicles

Get your legislators to create regulatory exemptions for vehicles that are sold in small annual volumes. Right now, it costs about $250 million to bring a new vehicle through all the safety and other regulatory requirements and $1 billion to build the factory that can produce such vehicles in volume. Is it any wonder that … Continue reading “Create Regulatory Exemptions for Small Vehicles”

Norway’s Think Plans to Build Electric Cars in Indiana and Test Them in Southern California with Additional Funding from Boston

Boston’s Rockport Capital has chipped in $12.5 million as part of a $40 million financing round for Think, the Oslo, Norway-based company building long-range electric vehicles. Think said in an May 11 announcement that it plans to use the new funds to expand operations and sales in North America, including opening a planned assembly facility … Continue reading “Norway’s Think Plans to Build Electric Cars in Indiana and Test Them in Southern California with Additional Funding from Boston”

Sprout Social Garners Series A Round

Feed Type Link http://www.venturedeal.com/Search/SearchResultTransactionDetail.aspx?TransactionId=c604d5a5-09ae-4ce7-854c-6179d5097e4f&Preview=1 Date 5/13/2010 Company Name Sprout Social Mailing Address Undisclosed Chicago, IL 60601 Company Description The company provides social relationship management tracking and services. Website http://www.sproutsocial.com Transaction Type Venture Equity Transaction Amount Undisclosed Transaction Round Series A Proceeds Purposes Sprout Social, which is currently in closed beta, says it will use the … Continue reading “Sprout Social Garners Series A Round”

Four Things Michigan Can Do to Reinvigorate its Economy (And One Thing to Avoid)

The interesting thing about Michigan is that as a state it has already implemented many forward-thinking economic development strategies and policies. Michigan has been much more innovative than Washington state has been in this respect. Washington’s success has frankly been in spite of, rather than because of, state policy much of the time. We in … Continue reading “Four Things Michigan Can Do to Reinvigorate its Economy (And One Thing to Avoid)”

Can academia bridge the gap between bench and bedside?

A few weeks ago I heard a pharmaceutical executive say at an industry meeting that academia shouldn’t be trying to develop drugs. They don’t know how to do it, his message was. Now, he didn’t specify what he meant: Was it that academics do not know how to discover and optimize promising drug candidates, or … Continue reading “Can academia bridge the gap between bench and bedside?”

Capital Climate Is Mean In Michigan, VCs Say at Symposium, But We’re Used to Dealing With Bad Weather

Only in Michigan can you take some pretty dismal-sounding numbers and make them sound like a good thing. That’s what’s happening now at the Michigan Growth Capital Symposium taking place in Ypsilanti, MI—the 29th annual meet-up of Michigan entrepreneurs and potential funders. The theme here, broadly speaking, is that, yes, Michigan may be near the … Continue reading “Capital Climate Is Mean In Michigan, VCs Say at Symposium, But We’re Used to Dealing With Bad Weather”

Michigan as the Distribution and Logistics Hub of the Midwest

It strikes me that Michigan could be in a terrific position to become the next major distribution and logistics-type hub in the Midwest. —There is a looming shortage of hourly direct labor around the country prepared to work at the $12-15/hr warehouse functions. —Seems Michigan would have an abundant direct labor force and access to … Continue reading “Michigan as the Distribution and Logistics Hub of the Midwest”

Five Things Entrepreneurs and Innovators Can Do To Invigorate Michigan’s Economy

1. Focus on areas of competitive advantage such as Michigan’s global leadership in the automotive industry where innovation in transportation, energy, software and materials can take advantage of existing technologies, market know-how, industry talent and potential investment synergies. 2. Establish a local venture and/or angel fund community in Michigan to scout the local deal flow … Continue reading “Five Things Entrepreneurs and Innovators Can Do To Invigorate Michigan’s Economy”

Michigan Automotive Robotics Cluster Initiative Begins to Take Shape

The robotics industry in Southeast Michigan is attempting to turn the automotive slump into an opportunity to branch off into…well, automotive. But where once the automotive market for robotics meant industrial-strength assembly-line work, the opportunity lies now in robotic systems that can be embedded in military and civilian vehicles. Such a shift entails a change … Continue reading “Michigan Automotive Robotics Cluster Initiative Begins to Take Shape”

We Hope for Better Things in Detroit

When I was young and growing up in the Detroit area, the city was a hotbed of innovation and industry like nowhere else in the United States. The automobile industry was in full swing, and for decades it was the engine of growth for our nation. Although the city—and the companies that helped make it … Continue reading “We Hope for Better Things in Detroit”

A Tolstoyvian Perspective on Revitalizing Michigan’s Economy—Or “It’s the Customer, Stupid”

To parody Tolstoy, all happy regional economies are alike; all unhappy regional economies are unhappy in their own way. Michigan has more reasons than most for authentic unhappiness. Even putting aside its uniquely dysfunctional politics, the state’s struggling entrepreneurial class and its bankrupted automobile industry have humbled—humiliated?—what was once a global economic powerhouse. Yes, the … Continue reading “A Tolstoyvian Perspective on Revitalizing Michigan’s Economy—Or “It’s the Customer, Stupid””

Renaissance VC Invests in DFJ Mercury

Renaissance Venture Capital Fund, with offices in Ann Arbor, MI, and Detroit, has invested $3 million in Houston VC firm DFJ Mercury, which says it will actively seek opportunities in Michigan. Renaissance CEO Chris Rizik says DFJ Mercury is a good fit for Michigan because of its focus on advanced materials, bioscience, and information technology, … Continue reading “Renaissance VC Invests in DFJ Mercury”

Five Places Michigan Can Look To Spark Its Innovation Economy

Training: My sense is that Michigan probably has a high potential workforce, but needs to be retrained in new skills in growing markets—be it information technology, clean technology, biotechnology or something else. Academic Treasure Hunting: There is probably a wealth of opportunity at University of Michigan and Michigan State University in terms of unique intellectual … Continue reading “Five Places Michigan Can Look To Spark Its Innovation Economy”

Sloan Returns To Michigan, Launches Aria Equities To Change Entrepreneurial Culture

Jeff Sloan knows why the Detroit area has a less-than-ideal atmosphere for venture capital. It’s just not ready for it. The culture needs to change, he says. And that’s why the longtime Michigander, gone for about five years, has recently returned to the state to launch the early-stage venture development firm Aria Equities. Aria partners … Continue reading “Sloan Returns To Michigan, Launches Aria Equities To Change Entrepreneurial Culture”

Procurement Opportunities in Homeland Security/Defense

John Bedz, defense consultant at Automation Alley, and Dan Raubinger, program manager of TACOM’s Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages program, will be the featured speakers at the Michigan Homeland Security Consortium’s “Lunch and Learn” event. The topic is Procurement Opportunities in Homeland Security/Homeland Defense. The event will provide information to Michigan companies on opportunities … Continue reading “Procurement Opportunities in Homeland Security/Defense”

What We Learned in San Diego About Innovation: Five Lessons for Detroit

The defense and aerospace industries dominated San Diego’s economy for decades after World War II. General Dynamics was the region’s largest private employer, accounting for about 15 percent of the county’s workforce (with about 46,000 employees) in the early 1960s; its workers built commercial aircraft, Atlas rockets, and cruise missiles. When General Dynamics began pulling … Continue reading “What We Learned in San Diego About Innovation: Five Lessons for Detroit”

Automation Alley Funds Hybrid Power Trains, Religious Social Networking, and Clean Diesel

Automation Alley, a technology business association based in Troy, MI, has invested $300,000 in Southeast Michigan technology companies, the group announced Thursday. Automation Alley invests a maximum of $250,000 in seed money per company to help them accelerate the growth of their technology-based businesses. Companies receiving funds this time around are: Cargo Solutions Group: $250,000 … Continue reading “Automation Alley Funds Hybrid Power Trains, Religious Social Networking, and Clean Diesel”

Collaborate, Connect, and Celebrate

1. Collaborate across disciplines. 2. Support each other with contacts and initiatives. 3. Connect politically and to local businesses. 4. Recognize success and celebrate together. 5. Promote and engage in activities that benefit the greater good for the city, the nation and the world. [Editor’s note: To help launch Xconomy Detroit, we’ve queried our network … Continue reading “Collaborate, Connect, and Celebrate”

Microsoft’s Kin Phones Resurrect the Lifelogging Debate

This week gadget reviewers got their first hands-on look at Microsoft’s much-discussed Kin One and Kin Two phones, which are designed from the ground up to support young hipsters’ social media and content sharing habits. So far, the pundits are raving about the phones’ novel operating system and the cloud-based “Studio” feature, a flashy private … Continue reading “Microsoft’s Kin Phones Resurrect the Lifelogging Debate”

Dendritic Nanotechnologies Focuses Dendrimer Development On Industry Rather Than Pharma

Over the last decade, Mt. Pleasant, MI-based Dendritic Nanotechnologies (DNT) has helped make Michigan into a world center of research on the versatile, tendriled molecules known as dendrimers. But while the molecules have a range of important applications, from killing microbes to reducing the unwanted side effects of drugs and pesticides, the company has ceded … Continue reading “Dendritic Nanotechnologies Focuses Dendrimer Development On Industry Rather Than Pharma”

3 Michigan Growth Industries

Lawrence Tech in Southfield is hosting a panel presentation on the growth industries of renewable energy, biotech, and defense. “Leading Michigan into the 21st Century Economy” will feature representatives from TechTown, NextEnergy and the U.S. Army’s Intelligent Ground Systems giving presentations on new opportunities in their fields.

It Seems Everybody Has Advice For Michigan; What Do You Think?

At Xconomy, we queried our network of innovation leaders across the country for their list of the most important things that we here in Michigan can do to reinvigorate our economy, and we’ve been publishing the results in our “Xconomist Forum” section. Recently, somebody asked me whether I thought all this advice for Michigan from … Continue reading “It Seems Everybody Has Advice For Michigan; What Do You Think?”

5 Things Michigan Can Do to Build a Sustainable Innovation Ecosystem

Building a sustainable innovation ecosystem is hard and will require patience married to a sense of real optimism. It will require numerous centers of innovation: academic settings, corporate research labs, world-class hospitals, all operating with an entrepreneurial culture. All this cannot simply be mandated, but rather it comes about over generations of startup success stories. … Continue reading “5 Things Michigan Can Do to Build a Sustainable Innovation Ecosystem”

InTouch Health Looks to Hire Michigan Engineers to Develop RoboDocs (of Sorts)

A man is brought into a hospital emergency room in Port Huron, MI, after collapsing while riding his bike. The patient had a stroke, so the first problem facing the ER docs is that there is not a moment to lose, as there is a narrow window of time available to treat a stroke before … Continue reading “InTouch Health Looks to Hire Michigan Engineers to Develop RoboDocs (of Sorts)”

Five Ways to Jump-Start the Reinvention of Detroit

[Editor’s Note: Lux Capital’s Josh Wolfe and Shahin Farschi also contributed to this post.] In terms of the difficulty of the turnaround needed, it’s telling that Detroit derives from the French word for strait—a narrow passageway—symbolic of the chances Detroit really has for re-invention. It will take radical action, hugely energetic leaders, and messianic spokespeople … Continue reading “Five Ways to Jump-Start the Reinvention of Detroit”

Celebrate Entrepreneurs Like the Red Wings Winning the Stanley Cup

I am very pleased to see Xconomy moving into the Michigan area to help with the reinventing of the economy there. A lot of people are clearly feeling real pain from the economy, and the injection of “innovation adrenaline” can not only be incrementally beneficial economically, it can make a profound change in the spirit … Continue reading “Celebrate Entrepreneurs Like the Red Wings Winning the Stanley Cup”

Motown Robots Rock With Bon Jovi

With the downturn in the auto industry, industrial robots that assemble car parts are down on their luck. So, like their flesh-and-blood counterparts, robots are looking to diversify. A few metallic laborers from ABB Robotics North America in Auburn Hills, MI, have found a new gig to help make ends meet…as backup dancers for the … Continue reading “Motown Robots Rock With Bon Jovi”

Five Ways to Build a Culture For Innovation in Michigan

First of all, don’t be fainthearted. Let’s face it, the Michigan workforce has been trained to perform in very hierarchical institutions, where compliance is rewarded and innovation is not. The old days are gone, but the attitude lingers. It will take serious blood, sweat, and tears to turn this around. Second, seek out the community … Continue reading “Five Ways to Build a Culture For Innovation in Michigan”

Microloans Help 3 Michigan Companies See Another Day

Customers of three Michigan companies might soon see much better now that the Michigan Microloan Fund has given them a combined $121,000 to develop their products. Seeing what you’re killing: RiserCam, based in Saline, MI, makes video equipment for the outdoors industry. Its flagship product is the Roscoby Riser Cam, which is a flash memory … Continue reading “Microloans Help 3 Michigan Companies See Another Day”

Fool Gets Its Xconomy On—Motley Fool to Carry Xconomy Stories

I am extremely pleased to announce that Xconomy and The Motley Fool have reached an agreement that will put one Xconomy feature story a day on Fool.com, the flagship website of the Alexandria, VA-based organization. The first story, by our Seattle editor Greg Huang about how startups might learn from Clay Christensen’s “disruptive innovation” model … Continue reading “Fool Gets Its Xconomy On—Motley Fool to Carry Xconomy Stories”

Six Things Michigan Can Do To Reinvigorate The Local Economy

The business model for the U.S. automotive industry needs to be re-evaluated to find ways to become competitive again with foreign manufacturers. Innovators and entrepreneurs in Michigan can help drive this by bringing new ideas for improving the supply chain, speeding up cycle times for innovative R&D, and cost reduction. These ideas need to come … Continue reading “Six Things Michigan Can Do To Reinvigorate The Local Economy”

Five Ways to Create a Thriving Culture for Innovation in Michigan

—Invest in education and training. Make efforts to attract and retain college graduates within the state by implementing educational opportunities which are pertinent to students and employers. Maintaining a skilled and knowledgeable labor force will keep Michigan relevant and allow it to compete in the global economy. This is already being done through the programs … Continue reading “Five Ways to Create a Thriving Culture for Innovation in Michigan”

Raised in a General Motors Family, Jason Forcier Driving Growing Auto Battery Biz for A123 Systems

[Updated and corrected, 5/4/10, 1:15 pm ET] Jason Forcier was raised in Flint, MI, a city whose economic woes have been tied to the decline of the U.S. auto industry. Now he’s grown up and heading efforts at a growing company called A123 Systems to make advanced batteries for a new generation of energy-efficient cars … Continue reading “Raised in a General Motors Family, Jason Forcier Driving Growing Auto Battery Biz for A123 Systems”

Detroit Stem Cell Startup Gets $200K

Detroit stem cell startup MitoStem has received a $200,000 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I grant from the National Institutes of Health, according to an announcement by TechTown, the incubator that houses the company near the campus of Wayne State University. MitoStem is enrolled in TechTown’s SmartStart business accelerator program. The grant will allow … Continue reading “Detroit Stem Cell Startup Gets $200K”

Michigan’s Seneca Partners Plans to up the Ante with $50M Health Care Venture Fund

Seneca Partners, a venture capital firm with offices in Birmingham, MI, Ann Arbor, MI, and Bannockburn, IL, plans to raise between $50 million and $75 million for another health care venture fund this year, according to a report in VentureWire. Back in 2004, Seneca closed a $14 million fund health care fund and invested in … Continue reading “Michigan’s Seneca Partners Plans to up the Ante with $50M Health Care Venture Fund”

Five Lessons from Busts in Houston and Seattle that Could Be Applied in Michigan

I lived in Houston when the Oil Bust hit in the 1980s. With it came crushing unemployment. Yet Houston led the nation for the next several years in new business start-ups. Now large numbers of people work in a more diverse economy, including biotechnology, alternative energy, and information technology. Seattle, where I live today, has … Continue reading “Five Lessons from Busts in Houston and Seattle that Could Be Applied in Michigan”

The Building Blocks of Innovation: Part 2 of Our Q&A with David Egner of the New Economy Initiative

Last week I wrote up Part 1 of my interview with David Egner, president of the Detroit-based Hudson-Webber Foundation and executive director of the New Economy Initiative for Southeast Michigan. The coalition of 10 community and philanthropic organizations is working to support economic diversification efforts in the Detroit region. Egner talked about the attitude of … Continue reading “The Building Blocks of Innovation: Part 2 of Our Q&A with David Egner of the New Economy Initiative”

MIT Spinoff Levant Power On Track to Produce Energy-Boosting Shock Absorbers For Cars, Tanks, and Trains

With gasoline prices on the rise and carbon dioxide emissions threatening to bring about global climate disaster, MIT spinoff startup Levant Power is trying to help drivers cut fuel consumption—by turning their shock absorbers into a source of energy. A car going down a bumpy road vibrates. Springs absorb the vibrations, and shock absorbers damp … Continue reading “MIT Spinoff Levant Power On Track to Produce Energy-Boosting Shock Absorbers For Cars, Tanks, and Trains”

Dual Use Technology Briefing

Dual use technology, or technology that can be developed for military and civilian markets, is the subject of a briefing hosted by Automation Alley. The program will include information on how how companies developing innovative technology can do business with the United States Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC). This program will … Continue reading “Dual Use Technology Briefing”

Cleantech Becoming ‘Third Leg’ of VC Investing Stool—But Just How Big is That Leg?

When Ira Ehrenpreis came through San Diego a couple of weeks ago, the cleantech investment partner at Palo Alto, CA-based Technology Partners said there was no such thing as a cleantech investment category when his firm began investing 25 years ago. At that time, Technology Partner’s investments in environmentally friendly technologies amounted to less than … Continue reading “Cleantech Becoming ‘Third Leg’ of VC Investing Stool—But Just How Big is That Leg?”

$2M Achieves Liftoff For Detroit Launch Pad

Wayne State University in Detroit and Walsh College in Troy, MI, will get an entrepreneur training program called The Launch Pad off the ground thanks to a $2 million grant from the Blackstone Charitable Foundation. Detroit’s New Economy Initiative will partner with New York-based Blackstone to launch the program that it hopes will be come … Continue reading “$2M Achieves Liftoff For Detroit Launch Pad”

Prize-Winning Enertia Team Begins Long Climb To Commercialize Clean, Portable Energy

University of Michigan business student Adam Carver says he is a “mountain climber at heart.” Maybe that’s why he’s going for two degrees at once. Last summer, he conquered the Matterhorn. Yes, the actual Matterhorn in Switzerland. This year, he set out for the foothills of a longer, perhaps even more ambitious journey-to bring to … Continue reading “Prize-Winning Enertia Team Begins Long Climb To Commercialize Clean, Portable Energy”

The iPad May Kill the Kindle, But Amazon Could Still Come Out Ahead: The Only Comparison You Need to Read

If you’re interested in the electronic book craze, but you don’t yet own an e-book reading device, your options just got a lot more complicated. Not only are there a handful of great devices that use electrophoretic screens from Cambridge, MA-based E Ink, such as the Amazon Kindle, the Barnes & Noble Nook, and the … Continue reading “The iPad May Kill the Kindle, But Amazon Could Still Come Out Ahead: The Only Comparison You Need to Read”

Seattle Is #3—Where Does Michigan Want To Be?

Seattle has, from my point of view, carved out its position as the No. 3 biotech market in the U.S. behind Boston and the San Francisco Bay Area. Michigan is currently an outsider looking in. Where does Michigan want to be in this hierarchy, and what will they need to do to get there? Michigan … Continue reading “Seattle Is #3—Where Does Michigan Want To Be?”

What U.S. Manufacturers Can Learn from Europe—One Reporter’s Perspective

On March 29 MIT arranged a round table seminar entitled “The Future of Manufacturing Innovation—Advanced Technologies.” The seminar focused on technological advances that could spur manufacturing in the U.S. MIT president Susan Hockfield opened the afternoon by reflecting on the status of the U.S. as a manufacturing nation. “Many Americans tend to believe that hardly … Continue reading “What U.S. Manufacturers Can Learn from Europe—One Reporter’s Perspective”