VC Funding Slows as Big Funds Crowd into Late-Stage Venture Deals

Following a December surge, when U.S. venture firms invested $7.2 billion in 342 deals nationwide, VC activity reset at a lower pace during the first quarter of 2015, according to data being released today by CB Insights. The New York venture capital tracker says VCs invested $11.3 billion in 805 startups over the three months … Continue reading “VC Funding Slows as Big Funds Crowd into Late-Stage Venture Deals”

Peer-to-Peer Lending Grows Up, and Gets Wall Street’s Attention

[Corrected 4/14/15, 11:31 am. See below] Borrowing money, or refinancing borrowed money, is easier now than it’s ever been as new online lenders put credit lines just a few clicks away. And now the traditional titans of Wall Street are jumping on board. In the last decade, a handful of online lending companies have chipped away … Continue reading “Peer-to-Peer Lending Grows Up, and Gets Wall Street’s Attention”

Innovation Hub: Why Science Plays Small Ball

The scientific revolution has ended. Or, at least it’s on pause, according to Roberta Ness, vice president of innovation at the University of Texas Health Science Center. She believes that science’s most promising thinkers aren’t taking big enough risks. They’re not researching the next penicillin or investigating new theories of relativity; they’re playing it safe. … Continue reading “Innovation Hub: Why Science Plays Small Ball”

Startups Strut on Stage at UNC Innovation Showcase

In an annual spring ritual at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, startup companies associated with the university get the opportunity for five minutes of stage time to present their technologies or products to a live audience. The UNC Innovation Showcase is a popular draw for the Research Triangle’s broader entrepreneurial community. Startups … Continue reading “Startups Strut on Stage at UNC Innovation Showcase”

Tax Time Alert: Key Things to Know About Founders Preferred Stock

As you gather and review tax papers for your return, be sure to inform your accountant if you hold founders’ preferred stock, or if you sold a block of it in 2014. Your CPA might not think to ask you about this because so few entrepreneurs hold this class of stock. As recently as 20 … Continue reading “Tax Time Alert: Key Things to Know About Founders Preferred Stock”

Raleigh-Durham Roundup: Quintiles, BDSI, BioCryst, & More

Here are the headlines from the last week in North Carolina biotech news. —Pharmaceutical services provider Quintiles (NYSE: [[ticker:Q]]) is teaming up with lab testing company Quest Diagnostics (NYSE: [[ticker:DGX]]) to provide clinical trial laboratory services around the world. Durham, NC-based Quintiles will own 60 percent of the joint venture while Quest will own the … Continue reading “Raleigh-Durham Roundup: Quintiles, BDSI, BioCryst, & More”

Academia vs. BioPharma: Young Scientists Between A Rock and A Hard Place

I’ve reached the stage of my career where I’ve been invited to give “career retrospective talks” to grad students and post-docs at academic institutions. It’s been an interesting and enjoyable experience meeting a new generation of young scientists and hearing what’s on their minds. After delivering my seminar and sharing lots of stories and advice, … Continue reading “Academia vs. BioPharma: Young Scientists Between A Rock and A Hard Place”

Women in Engineering, and a Global Call for the Next MacGyver

Apparently, I’m pushy. I can’t help it. It’s my genes, and also all I’ve been through. When you’re a woman in engineering, there are a host of voices (some residing in your head, some not), telling you that you’re not good enough, not smart enough—that when you’re alone amid a sea of male faces at … Continue reading “Women in Engineering, and a Global Call for the Next MacGyver”

Robot Revolution: Disrupting the Workplace as We Know It

We’re on the brink of the Third Industrial Revolution, with robots moving off the factory floor and emerging in the white-collar office. These “software robots” are being leveraged by businesses across industries to tackle rules-based processes and improve overall operational agility. Operational roles are well-suited for automatons since they, by definition, automatically follow and execute … Continue reading “Robot Revolution: Disrupting the Workplace as We Know It”

H-1Bs And How Changing The System Will Help Startups

In order for the American economy to thrive, we must rely on our ability to innovate. The U.S. government now estimates that job growth is almost three times faster in the innovation-rich fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics than the rest of the economy. Yet despite the explosion in demand, the steady supply of … Continue reading “H-1Bs And How Changing The System Will Help Startups”

Equity Crowdfunding Backers Clash Over Fundraising Limits in States

After five years of bootstrapping his startup, Instancy, Harvey Singh’s company has a finished education software product, revenue, and a growing roster of employees. As Singh looks overseas to expand Instancy’s sales reach, he says he is now ready for outside investors. He wants to raise that capital through crowdfunding. The federal Jumpstart Our Business … Continue reading “Equity Crowdfunding Backers Clash Over Fundraising Limits in States”

Fresh Off Boston Move, CoLucid Plots IPO For Migraine Drug Push

CoLucid Pharmaceuticals has barely finished unpacking after relocating to Massachusetts last week, but it has already pulled one thing out of its moving boxes—a document outlining plans for an initial public offering. According to CoLucid’s IPO prospectus, the company could raise up to $86 million. But that figure is just a placeholder. The details won’t … Continue reading “Fresh Off Boston Move, CoLucid Plots IPO For Migraine Drug Push”

The Innovator’s Gender Dilemma and Venture Rites of Passage

After 40 years as a professional woman who by many standards has “made it,” I am struck by the extent to which young and highly educated—even Ivy-league educated—employees are challenged by the ambiguities and realities of the contemporary competitive workplace. Having always been exceptional, and having done what was expected of them, usually by their … Continue reading “The Innovator’s Gender Dilemma and Venture Rites of Passage”

From Iceland to White House, Precision Medicine’s Promises & Hurdles

[Updated and corrected, 4/5/15, 6:51 pm. See below.] There is talk, and there is action. In the drive toward healthcare tailored for smaller and smaller groups of people, there was both last week, and both illustrated not just the promise of precision medicine, but the long haul until that promise is fulfilled. First, Iceland’s deCODE … Continue reading “From Iceland to White House, Precision Medicine’s Promises & Hurdles”

Novan Therapeutics Obtains $50,000,000 New Funding Round

Feed Type Link Date 3/31/2015 Company Name Novan Therapeutics Mailing Address 4222 Emperor Boulevard Durham, NC 27703 USA Company Description Novan uses a licensed nitric oxide technology, developed at the lab of Schoenfisch, to give medical devices an antimicrobial coating, helping to fight bacteria. Website Transaction Type Venture Equity Transaction Amount $50,000,000 Transaction … Continue reading “Novan Therapeutics Obtains $50,000,000 New Funding Round”

Novan Therapeutics Lands $50M to Tackle Acne, HPV

Novan Therapeutics, which is researching applications of nitric oxide in treating skin conditions, has closed on $50 million in financing as the Durham, NC, moves its lead drug forward in clinical trials. New investor Malin Corporation (ISEQ: [[ticker:MLC]]), an Ireland-based life sciences investment company that went public last week, led the Novan deal, which included … Continue reading “Novan Therapeutics Lands $50M to Tackle Acne, HPV”

Peter Thiel Brings Libertarian Standup Routine to Harvard

In staccato, stand-up comic style, Peter Thiel brought his version of libertarianism to Harvard, a notable cheering section for positive government. Last Wednesday, a packed lecture hall heard the investor and co-founder of PayPal and secretive data-analysis company Palantir Technologies say, “You can’t do it on a government scale. So I work on the business … Continue reading “Peter Thiel Brings Libertarian Standup Routine to Harvard”

Innovation Hub: XPRIZE Founder Tackles Entrepreneurship

Peter Diamandis is, I think it’s fair to say, an optimist. After all, how many other space-obsessed kids ended up founding an International Space University? Or inaugurated an XPRIZE, to inspire a new generation of passenger spacecrafts? But Diamandis’s current obsession is entrepreneurship, and the idea that the economy is radically shifting to accommodate a … Continue reading “Innovation Hub: XPRIZE Founder Tackles Entrepreneurship”

The Incredible Shrinking Seed Stage and Other Venture Trends of 2014

By now the 2014 data for venture capital investments from the most important regions of the world have been compiled and disseminated. When laid out next to each other, some fascinating themes emerge. It’s no surprise that the U.S. continues to set the pace with over $48 billion invested in 4,356 companies, compared to 2013, … Continue reading “The Incredible Shrinking Seed Stage and Other Venture Trends of 2014”

Convenience, Not Cleantech Drives Internet of Things Opportunity

Energy savings that come from using networked devices make the concept of the “Internet of Things” an obvious cleantech play. But getting people to adopt these new systems might come down to the technology’s ability to adapt to, and perhaps improve upon, familiar patterns of human behavior—such as checking the refrigerator. Tony Atti, CEO of … Continue reading “Convenience, Not Cleantech Drives Internet of Things Opportunity”

Amid Gene Editing Worry, A Return To Biotech’s 1st “Asilomar Moment”

Biotechnology leaders—and the rest of us—should “count to 10” as they read the March 19 call in Science to consider limits on using revolutionary new gene-editing techniques for germline gene therapy. The techniques are powerful and simple to use and key scientists, worried about misuse, want us to pause, confer, and set limits. But we … Continue reading “Amid Gene Editing Worry, A Return To Biotech’s 1st “Asilomar Moment””

6fusion Lands $1,100,000 New Funding

Feed Type Link Date 3/26/2015 Company Name 6fusion Mailing Address 1730 Varsity Dr. Raleigh, NC 27606 USA Company Description 6fusion is an innovative young company that has emerged from this new era of utility computing with a refreshing vision for the future, a cutting edge technology and a unique commercial business model. 6fusion’s founders … Continue reading “6fusion Lands $1,100,000 New Funding”

Hi, I’m in Delaware… For the Fast Internet

Internet speeds are becoming increasingly important to consumer markets, as users of streaming content such as Netflix, Hulu, and HBO multiply. Those people are expecting quality streaming, too, especially with the advent of 4K, or “ultra” high-definition, video. It may be no surprise that broadband Internet speeds vary from state to state, with Virginia, Delaware, … Continue reading “Hi, I’m in Delaware… For the Fast Internet”

Raleigh-Durham Roundup: Heat Biologics, nCino, Scioderm, & More

Here are the week’s top stories in North Carolina tech and biotech (not college basketball) news: —Cancer immunotherapy company Heat Biologics (NASDAQ: [[ticker:HTBX]]) closed a stock offering that raised $12.2 million, which the Durham, NC, company plans to use for research and development, clinical trials, and other corporate expenses. Heat is currently in mid-stage clinical … Continue reading “Raleigh-Durham Roundup: Heat Biologics, nCino, Scioderm, & More”

Fastest Turtle: Healthcare Investing and the U.S. Economy

Given the investment horizons for venture capitalists, we do not necessarily try to time public markets when making new investments—although they obviously influence pre-money valuations, particularly for later rounds. Greater concerns revolve around portfolio companies’ ability to access capital on reasonable terms, and that the general macroeconomic environment is conducive to strong revenue growth. Notwithstanding … Continue reading “Fastest Turtle: Healthcare Investing and the U.S. Economy”

Stop the Bleeding: Can Gene Therapy Finally Cure Hemophilia?

Ben Haugstad is 12 years old and loves Taekwondo. He’s been doing it for six years, and soon he’ll be a black belt. He also has a severe form of hemophilia. His body doesn’t produce the machinery needed to clot blood, and at any moment a bad tumble or a bruise could quickly turn into … Continue reading “Stop the Bleeding: Can Gene Therapy Finally Cure Hemophilia?”

Innovation Hub: Did a Computer Write This Story?

Forget Malcolm Gladwell and Tom Friedman. The next great journalist could be a computer program. Already, artificial intelligence has been put to work at Forbes, the Associated Press, Reuters, and The Big Ten Network. Coverage of NCAA basketball games, earnings reports, and dips in housing prices are regularly penned by this new breed of “journalist.” … Continue reading “Innovation Hub: Did a Computer Write This Story?”

Biogen Drug Shows Early Promise in Slowing Alzheimer’s Decline

Drug maker Biogen Idec is one step closer to a breakthrough in the Alzheimer’s disease field. For the first time, an experimental treatment seems to both clear out the telltale clumps of protein called beta amyloid from the brains of Alzheimer’s patients and—more important—slow down those patients’ cognitive decline. At a medical conference in Nice, … Continue reading “Biogen Drug Shows Early Promise in Slowing Alzheimer’s Decline”

Lessons From Building a Global Engineering Team

It used to be that if you referenced a “global engineering team” you had contracted with a few freelance developers in a remote location to do a few hours of work per week. There’s a good reason for that: historically, recruiting, retaining, and growing global engineering teams has been a significant challenge. At HubSpot, we … Continue reading “Lessons From Building a Global Engineering Team”

Clinical Ink, CentrosHealth Merge in Paperless Drug Trials Push

Clinical trials software company Clinical Ink is adding new mobile capabilities through a merger with CentrosHealth, in a deal that also comes with a capital infusion into the combined company. Winston-Salem, NC-based Clinical Ink disclosed no financial terms for either the merger or for the new investment, which was led by MPM Capital, the Boston-based … Continue reading “Clinical Ink, CentrosHealth Merge in Paperless Drug Trials Push”

Milestones of Innovation 4: The Letter That Led to the Atomic Bomb

Crisp statements of a case to a prepared, if skeptical, mind have often changed the history of innovation. Perhaps the most critical example of this in the 20th Century is the memorandum that reached Sir Henry Tizard, chief scientific advisor to Britain’s Air Ministry, 75 years ago today, on the 19th of March, 1940. This … Continue reading “Milestones of Innovation 4: The Letter That Led to the Atomic Bomb”

Clinical Ink Obtains New Round

Feed Type Link Date 3/19/2015 Company Name Clinical Ink Mailing Address 525 Vine St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 USA Company Description Clinical Ink was launched in 2006 to provide eSource solutions for clinical research sites, eliminating the problems inherent to paper-based data collection and EDC alike. Website Transaction Type Venture Equity Transaction Amount Undisclosed … Continue reading “Clinical Ink Obtains New Round”

Consumption Rules, E-mail Thrives, Enterprise Agreements are Dead

Microsoft opened its Office suite to play with other cloud services, Box debuted on Wall Street, and Google reinvented the inbox. Not even three months into 2015, and we’ve already had several interesting developments in the online collaboration software market. Here’s how these announcements fit into trends we’re seeing at Smartsheet. Consumption-Based Pricing Eats Per-User … Continue reading “Consumption Rules, E-mail Thrives, Enterprise Agreements are Dead”

In Mental Health Therapy, Cautious Steps Toward the Pharmacodigital

[Corrected 3/17/15, 7:55 pm. See below.] The phrase “better living through chemistry,” derived from an old DuPont corporate slogan, has accumulated all kinds of ironic and wink-wink connotations over the decades. But there’s a fascinating revival and upgrade underway. For people with debilitating mental health problems, many researchers, doctors, and businesspeople think the new phrase … Continue reading “In Mental Health Therapy, Cautious Steps Toward the Pharmacodigital”

nCino Receives New Funding Round

Feed Type Link Date 3/17/2015 Company Name nCino Mailing Address 2605 Iron Gate Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 USA Company Description Through its flagship Bank Operating System solution, nCino leverages the power of the Salesforce Platform to provide small- to mid-sized financial institutions with superior transparency and clarity into their existing loan production pipelines. Website … Continue reading “nCino Receives New Funding Round”

Valeant Boosts Bid For Salix By $1B, Endo Withdraws

[Updated 3/16/15, 11:18 am, see below.] Valeant Pharmaceuticals is raising its offer to acquire Salix Pharmaceuticals and it aims to close the deal in about two weeks. The new offer from Valeant (NYSE: [[ticker:VRX]]) raises its initial $158 per share bid to $173 per share, valuing the transaction for Raleigh, NC-based Salix (NASDAQ: [[ticker:SLXP]]) at … Continue reading “Valeant Boosts Bid For Salix By $1B, Endo Withdraws”

Innovation Hub: Wadhwa’s Dystopian Future

Vivek Wadhwa is a big-picture guy. A guy whose vision of the future includes printing meat, banning humans from the road, and sidelining Wall Street. Wadhwa currently juggles appointments at Stanford, Duke, and Singularity Universities, and he says that massive technological advances will reroute our lives, a shift that may lead to massive dislocation, perhaps … Continue reading “Innovation Hub: Wadhwa’s Dystopian Future”

Robo Madness Boston: The Photos and Takeaways

Our first-ever dedicated robotics event in Boston was a smash hit. Here’s hoping the local community can keep the momentum going and solidify its standing as a worldwide leader in the field. Huge thanks to our event sponsors who made the conference possible: Argosight, BDO, Fairfax County Economic Development Authority, IDA Ireland, and iRobot. And … Continue reading “Robo Madness Boston: The Photos and Takeaways”

Metabolon Obtains $5,049,994 New Financing Round

Feed Type Link Date 3/12/2015 Company Name Metabolon Mailing Address 617 Davis Dr. Durham, NC 27713 USA Company Description Metabolon has quickly become a leader in the discovery of biomarkers using metabolomics. Located in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Metabolon is based in a biotechnology epicenter. Website Transaction Type Venture Equity Transaction Amount … Continue reading “Metabolon Obtains $5,049,994 New Financing Round”

Enlight Garners $1,400,000 Seed Round

Feed Type Link Date 3/12/2015 Company Name Enlight Mailing Address 2655 Meridian Parkway Durham, NC 27713 USA Company Description Enlight Research helps the board of directors maximize their time by providing a one-stop framework for competitive benchmarks, industry and market news, and financial insights customized to your company. Using cutting-edge technology and specialized industry … Continue reading “Enlight Garners $1,400,000 Seed Round”

N. Harris Computer Acquires Interact911 for Undisclosed Sum

Feed Type Link Date 3/12/2015 Company Name Interact911 Mailing Address 102 W 3rd St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 USA Company Description InterAct Public Safety Systems, a leading provider of safety and security software used by government agencies as well as private sector businesses, today announced the completion of its acquisition of BIO-key International’s Law Enforcement … Continue reading “N. Harris Computer Acquires Interact911 for Undisclosed Sum”

Salix Bidding War Erupts as Endo Tops Valeant’s Offer

[Updated 3/11/15, 6:44 pm. See below.] Salix Pharmaceuticals, which just two weeks ago reached a deal to be acquired by Valeant Pharmaceuticals, now has a better offer from Endo International. Dublin, Ireland-based Endo (NASDAQ: [[ticker:ENDP]]) has proposed to Salix (NASDAQ: [[ticker:SLXP]]) a cash and stock offer that amounts to $175 per share—about 11 percent more … Continue reading “Salix Bidding War Erupts as Endo Tops Valeant’s Offer”

Heat Biologics Launches $10M Stock Offering; CFO To Move On

Cancer immunotherapy company Heat Biologics (NASDAQ: [[ticker:HTBX]]) is raising $10.6 million through a stock offering—just as the company prepares to bid farewell to its chief financial officer. Durham, NC-based Heat is offering 1.64 million shares at $6.50 per share. Underwriters have 45 days to purchase 246,000 additional shares. Heat says it will use proceeds from … Continue reading “Heat Biologics Launches $10M Stock Offering; CFO To Move On”

DARA BioSciences Nabs U.S. Rights to Oral Thrush Drug

Some cancer patients develop a fungal infection in the mouth when a commonly found fungus takes advantage of a weakened immune system that can no longer keep it in check. Antifungals already exist to treat this overgrowth of Candida albicans. But DARA BioSciences (NASDAQ: [[ticker:DARA]]) hopes to compete with those drugs with a product that … Continue reading “DARA BioSciences Nabs U.S. Rights to Oral Thrush Drug”

Tuee Receives $100,000 New Financing Round

Feed Type Link Date 3/10/2015 Company Name Tuee Mailing Address 334 Blackwell St. Durham, NC 27701 USA Company Description The company is redefining the way restaurants relate to their guests. Tuee provides restaurant owners and managers with real-time, actionable feedback on over 80% of their guests. Moreover, Tuee enables restaurants to customize outreach based … Continue reading “Tuee Receives $100,000 New Financing Round”

Raleigh-Durham Roundup: MaxPoint, Targacept, Frontier Capital, & More

Here are the week’s headlines in North Carolina tech and biotech news: —MaxPoint Interactive (NYSE: [[ticker:MXPT]]) is North Carolina’s newest publicly traded company. Morrisville, NC-based MaxPoint, whose software analyzes “big data” to help businesses develop targeted marketing campaigns, debuted on the New York Stock Exchange on Friday, pricing its initial public offering at $11.50 per … Continue reading “Raleigh-Durham Roundup: MaxPoint, Targacept, Frontier Capital, & More”

RivalHealth Lands $827,000 New Financing

Feed Type Link Date 3/9/2015 Company Name RivalHealth Mailing Address 6601 Hillsborough St. Raleigh, NC 27606 USA Company Description Our belief is that by showing people what to do for fitness and nutrition each day, then helping them build teams of friends, family and even coworkers, they will be successful over the long run. … Continue reading “RivalHealth Lands $827,000 New Financing”

Study: Best Places For Women in Tech are Outside Silicon Valley

A new report suggests that the best opportunities for women in technology may be located outside of the industry’s hotbed in Silicon Valley. The analysis last week by SmartAsset, a New York-based financial technology and data analytics company, indicates that the best cities for women in computer-related jobs are found primarily on the East Coast … Continue reading “Study: Best Places For Women in Tech are Outside Silicon Valley”