
Tuesday, July 16

12:30 – 1:10

Registration & Networking

E14: Multi-Purpose Room, 6th Floor
75 Amherst St, Cambridge, MA 02139

1:10 – 1:20

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Bob Buderi, World Frontiers Forum; Xconomy

1:20 – 1:35

Internet Call to Action

Juan Enriquez, Excel Venture Management

1:35 – 1:45

Spotlight Talk: Managing Digital Information

Robert Kahn, CNRI, formerly DARPA

1:45 – 2:25

The Internet’s Genesis: Pioneers’ View

Leonard Kleinrock, UCLA
Radia Perlman, Dell Technologies
Elizabeth “Jake” Feinler, formerly SRI International
Dave Clark, MIT
Robert Kahn, CNRI, formerly DARPA
Vint Cerf, Google (moderator)

2:25 – 2:50

Edge of Tomorrow: Security and Access

Tom Leighton, Akamai
Ellen Rubin, ClearSky Data (moderator)

2:55 – 3:15

Connectivity as a Human Right

Nicholas Negroponte, MIT Media Lab

3:15 – 3:40

Networking Break

3:40 – 4:40

Beyond the Edge

A unique, interactive session looking beyond the boundaries of today’s Internet, from interspecies communication to replicators.
Vint Cerf, Google
Deborah Estrin, Cornell University
Peter Gabriel
Eric Paley, Founder Collective
Nadya Peek, University of Washington
Diana Reiss, Hunter College
Neil Gershenfeld, The Center for Bits and Atoms, MIT (moderator)

4:45 – 5:10

How to Fix Social Media

Raffi Krikorian, Emerson Collective
Juliette Kayyem, Grip Mobility Technology
Wade Roush, Soonish (moderator)

5:15 – 5:45

Predicting The Next 50 Years

Bob Metcalfe, University of Texas
Danny Hillis, Applied Invention
John Roese, Dell EMC
Kara Miller, WGBH (moderator)

5:45 – 6:45

Networking Reception

7:00 – 9:30

Gala Dinner

Café ArtScience
650 E Kendall St, Cambridge, MA 02142

Please note that this schedule is subject to change.